If there is a positive response this will become a regular feature on the CD. So what is it all about?
We can see three major functions of Readers' Corner, (but maybe you can think of more).
1. Send in your own programs, HyperCard stacks or other contributions. Its up to you whether you want to distribute them as freeware or shareware, but remember, shareware must be good quality to encourage people to pay. Please include a Read Me file with instructions and your own details.
2. Got something to say? The letters pages are limited in the number of letters they can take, and almost all letters are edited down. So why not send in your contributions on floppy disk in TeachText format and I'll put it on the CD in full. Hopefully we can start up on-going areas of discussion. If you want your floppy disk back then please enclose a SAE.
3. Ideas for the CD. Already the CD is changing due to ideas and comments from you the reader. For instance, this month only one window opens when the CD is inserted because you said it took too long for the 'Try These First!' window to open. So send your comments to Disk Editor, MacFormat, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, Avon BA1 2BW.
That's all, enjoy the disk and I'll see you next month,